Nock Massiva Trähus
On behalf of Förvalaltaren AB Skräddaren, Nock Massiva tree house has built two apartment buildings in solid wood in Vårgårda in Sweden.
Fibo wall panel is made of PEFC-certified woods that ensure sustainable forestry
Nock Massiva Trähus
Prefabricated solutions and solid wood made the construction process far more gentle for both neighbors and nature, and helped reduce the environmental footprint of the project, which was completed in 2019.
he 16 apartments all have bathrooms with Fibo wall system in the high-gloss decors Oslo and Morning.

- Fibo wall panel is made of PEFC-certified woods that ensure sustainable forestry.
- A separate EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) documents the environmental calculation for both the raw material and the production
Nock Massiva Trähus